Countdown to ACFAS 2024

By Christine L. Cusack

Faculté d'éducation | Faculty of Education, uOttawa

Faculty of Education
International and francophonie
Acfas 2024
Research and innovation
Explore all the calls for proposals and sessions organized by members of the Faculty of Education. 

More than a dozen researchers from the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education are leading the coordination of eleven panels and sessions for ACFAS 2024. Advancing knowledge in the field of education, our professors and graduate students are guiding conversations on key issues and helping to shape educational policy.  

Thousands of participants are expected on campus from May 13 to 17 for the 91st edition of the world`s largest francophone academic conference. The event promises five full days of sharing discoveries and the promotion of scientific excellence by established and emerging researchers. 

List of sessions and proposal submission deadlines

Section 500 Education  

501 - Conceptions des personnes apprenantes et enseignantes en classe de langue : quels liens avec l’enseignement-apprentissage de la grammaire et de l’écriture?  

Professor Claude Quevillon Lacasse and her colleagues welcome proposals aimed at sharing knowledge and methodologies on conceptions of grammar and writing in all languages. Submit by February 12. 

509 - Comprendre le métier enseignant et ses transformations : exploration de divers contextes et approches comparées    

Nathalie Bélanger, professor and director of the Observatoire sur l'éducation en contexte linguistique minoritaire, invites contributions for this panel which will explore the work of teachers in minority language situations. Submit by February 12.

517 - Enjeux actuels de l'éducation de langue française au Canada  

Professors Phyllis Dalley, Robert-Falcon Ouellette, and an academic colleague, along with graduate student researchers Hannah Sutherland, Elie Ndala, and Josée Lebel, invite contributions from all areas of educational research that address one or more issues of French-language education in Anglo-dominated contexts. Submit by February 12.

521 - Approches Collaboratives à l'Éducation Autochtone (mâmawatoskêwak)  

Professors Phyllis Dalley, Robert-Falcon Ouellette, and colleague invite proposals that aim to deepen understanding of the challenges and opportunities in creating collaborative, respectful and effective Indigenous education while overcoming practical and ideological barriers. Submit by February 15.

533 - Orientation scolaire : perspectives, enjeux et défis  

Professor André Samson, along with other researchers from Quebec and Switzerland, will come together to present the latest research on the issues and future opportunities for school guidance counselors. 

535 - Les méthodes de détermination du seuil de réussite dans les épreuves à enjeux élevés  

Eric Dionne, a cross-appointed professor in the Faculties of Education and Medicine, is leading a session with a focus on evaluation and issues relating to learning assessment.

Section 600 Multi-sector symposia

638 - Penser l’évaluation pour un monde durable : pratiques et stratégies prometteuses à l'échelle locale, nationale et internationale  

Organized by Faculty members David Buetti and Isabelle Bourgeois, this session will explore the latest research on assessment at different levels and scales. 

643 - L'intelligence artificielle en enseignement supérieur et l'inclusion numérique  

Faculty members Banafsheh Karamifar and El Hadji Yaya Koné seek proposals for this session on collaborative thinking about shaping the future of education with AI, with a focus on inclusion, equity and sustainability. Submit by February 12. 

645 - Collaboration intersectorielle et soutien à la formation des é réfugié.es et déplacé.es internes en contexte de ressources limitées à l'ère de la technologie numérique  

Faculty members El Hadji Yaya Koné and Emily Regan Wills and their colleagues invite submissions for this session exploreing strategies for collaboration between stakeholders in the education, technology and humanitarian sectors, to create inclusive, quality training using digital technology and e-learning. Submit by February 12.

649 - 55 ans après : état actuel et perspective d'avenir de l'enseignement des sciences en milieu franco-ontarien  

Professor Donatille Mujawamariya and doctoral candidate Janelle Fournier will lead this discussion on the challenges and opportunities of teaching science in French-speaking contexts.