Accessibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Computer keyboard on which accessibility pictograms are printed on a few keys.
Technology accessibility is a shared responsibility that extends beyond websites and basic code. While it is mandatory that all public web content published by faculties and services are accessible, it is also important to keep accessibility in mind when creating, sharing, and distributing all types of information.

Members of our campus community of all abilities should have equitable opportunities to fully access and participate remotely in their learning and working environment with dignity, autonomy and without impediment.

It is important to remember that technology accessibility is a shared responsibility that extends beyond websites and basic code. While it is mandatory that all public web content published by faculties and services are accessible, it is also important to keep accessibility in mind when creating, sharing, and distributing all types of information.

For example, professors must include the Accommodation Statement in their syllabus and, when possible, select accessible courseware and accessible course material. Employees should also remember to always include an accommodation statement in all their communications.

The Policy 119-Accessibility, the Academic Regulation I-16 - Academic Accommodations for students with disabilities and the Accessibility resources made available on the Accessibility Hub help you better understand your roles and responsibilities in making all information accessible.

These strategies will continue to be useful for accessible remote learning and working after the COVID-19 pandemic and will help us reach our Transformation 2030 goals.