Call for Applications: 2021 Translational Research Grant Program

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
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The Faculty of Medicine Research Office is pleased to launch our 2021 Translational Research Grant (TRG) program, with the goal to promote translational research and collaboration between basic science and clinical researchers throughout the Faculty.

Given our tremendous strengths in clinical and basic research, this program will promote the strategic integration of research teams from clinical and basic science departments. This program is designed to provide seed funding to test new, innovative ideas and facilitate future grant support.

Joint applications must include a clinician and a basic scientist as co-PIs. Each grant will be up to $50K, comprised of matching funds from each partner: basic science department or research institute (up to $25K) + clinical department (up to $25K). The TRG Program will be managed and chaired by the Vice Dean, Research and the Director of PhD Research, Dept. of Medicine. Application details can be found in the program Terms of Reference. Applications will be evaluated by an expert committee. Researchers interested in applying to the TRG Program should confirm that matching funds are available from their host institute, clinical or basic science department before beginning the application process.

Applicants are invited to submit their applications through our online Application Form. Please review the application form in advance of the deadline. The application deadline is May 18th, 2021.

For more information, please visit our website.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Research Office at