Call for projects: 2021 Summer Studentship Program - DEADLINE: FEB 1ST 2021

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
Summer activities
FoM logo with purple background
The Faculty of Medicine’s Summer Studentship Program provides up to 54 first- and second-year undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research projects across the Faculty of Medicine and affiliated hospital research institutes.

Call for projects: 2021 Summer Studentship Program

This competitive program supports projects from across the medical research continuum, from fundamental research on the mechanisms of disease and drug discovery to evidence-based medical education and practice-changing clinical research. Provides Medical students the opportunity to gain first-hand training in research methodologies and skills while working with a faculty supervisor/mentor. 

  • Value of the award:    $5,000
  • Number of awards:     Up to 54
  • Supervisor Application Deadline: February 1, 2021
  • Application contact: (uOttawa Faculty of Medicine Research Office)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Supervisors who hold a primary appointment in the Faculty of Medicine*, are in good standing with their departments, and are eligible to supervise undergraduate students. 
  • Potential supervisors must also:
  • Contribute $1,500 to the program (an invoice will be sent at the end of the summer);
  • Serve as a judge during the poster session of the Faculty of Medicine Research Day (date TBD);
  • Ensure the project follows all required ethics procedures, including REB approval before the project commences (if required);
  • Use equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) best practices in selecting student candidates;
  • Submit only one project and supervise one student per competition.

* Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors

Application Process ***UPDATED FOR 2021***

Potential supervisors are invited to submit a full project description by FEBRUARY 1, 2021 through our online Supervisor Application Form.  Submission includes:

a.Brief summary of the project to be shared with prospective students (<250 words)

b.1 page Research and Training Plan which includes: research question, introduction, objectives, methods, training plan and impact statement

c.Short description of how research project will addresse sex- and gender-based analysis+ (SGBA+);

d.Confirmation of research ethics board approval (if required)

e.Any additional information required for those applying for priority areas (see below).

Priority Areas

To promote research in strategic areas of development as outlined in the Faculty of Medicine’s 2020-2025 Strategic plan, dedicated studentships are allocated to the following priority areas in collaboration with our partners as outlined below and detailed in the attached Terms of Reference:

1.Mach-Gaensslen Foundation: Up to 5 studentships will be awarded through the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation in the fields of cardiology, oncology and psychiatry.

2.Social Accountability: Up to 8 studentships will be allocated to Social Accountability priority areas: 5 to faculty members working in collaboration with community stakeholders, and 3 directly to community stakeholders. Within this area, at least one studentship will be allocated to each of our priority areas of Indigenous, Francophone, rural/remote and marginalized populations.

3.Wellness / Equity Diversity and Inclusion / Professionalism: Up to 2 studentships will be allocated to the priority areas of wellness, professionalism, and/or equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in partnership with the Faculty Wellness Program, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Professionalism Office.

Following the deadline for submission of Supervisor Application Form, project summaries will be circulated to all first- and second-year medical students. Students will contact supervisors directly to discuss projects and when a student candidate is selected, they will submit an online Student Application Form outlining their fit with the research project.

Applications (Supervisor & Student) will be reviewed in parallel by a committee comprised of Faculty, students and community members based on the merit indicators outlined in the attached Terms of Reference. 


Key Dates:

February 1st, 2021- Deadline to submit project proposals

February 7-28 - Supervisors to interview students and develop student applications

March 1st, 2021- Deadline for students to submit application to program

April 1st, 2021- Letters of offer are sent to students

June-August - Project work (10 weeks)

Fall 2021 - Poster Session at Faculty of Medicine Research Day (date TBD)