Canada's official languages: The French language in search of substantive equality

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Common Law Section
Research and innovation
Centre de recherche sur les francophonies canadiennes
A round-table discussion on March 7 will focus on the real equality of the French language.

As part of its “Rendez-vous du CRCCF” series, the Centre de recherche sur les francophonies canadiennes invites you to its very first event during Mois de la francophonie.

A round-table discussion organized by Professor François Larocque and entitled “Langues officielles du Canada : le français à la recherche de l’égalité réelle” will take place on March 7, in bimodal format.

This round table will bring together Professors Valérie Lapointe-Gagnon (University of Alberta, Campus Saint-Jean, Edmonton) and Stéphanie Chouinard (Royal Military College, Kingston), Me Isabelle Hardy (Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada, Ottawa) and Me Chris Casmiro (Juristes Power, Ottawa). François Larocque will be moderating.

Registration and information. (This event will take place in French)