DPI keeps on helping communities through the Maker Mobile program

Faculty of Engineering
Maker Mobile team
We are happy to announce that once again this year, DPI (The Association of Public Sector Information Professionals) is giving a sponsorship, aimed towards the uOttawa Maker Mobile Workshop, to the Outreach team of the Faculty of Engineering.

For those that are not familiar with it, the Maker Mobile brings engaging hands-on learning experiences with the latest technologies, to classrooms, libraries, and community centres across the Ottawa-Gatineau region, enhancing the school curriculum. The purpose of Maker Mobile is to make STEM accessible to all, especially youth.

In 2020, with the outstanding sponsorship from DPI, Maker Mobile has been able to reach more than 1,400 students from Grade K to 10 by offering free workshops in schools that were financially not able to receive the Maker Mobile. With those funds and despite the pandemic context, Maker Mobile was able to help an extra14 schools through 60 workshops (in-person and/or online) on topics such as Virtual Reality, 3D printing and coding.

“This had a positive impact because students are interested in anything on the computer and often students who are not as successful academically, are when they get to something like this!” - Robots and Creative Art Grade 5, Greater Gatineau School 

Now that DPI offered another year of sponsorship to Maker Mobile, the team is more than hopeful at the idea of offering many free workshops in schools located in underserved regions and helping children benefit from this program in 2021-2022. A total of $14,000 in funding has been provided which will help make it possible for the team to keep on getting younger people excited about STEM. The funding will be used to cover costs of various aspects such as material, delivery and coordination of workshops, and much more.

With that being said, on behalf of the uOttawa Maker Mobile Workshop and the Faculty of Engineering, we would like to thank DPI for their generous support and contribution. The workshops were able to help many young people who are located in low socioeconomic regions to be introduced to new technologies. This is a very exciting partnership that is valued by the Faculty, the schools and which will impact a lot of children who one day, might make the future themselves!

Schools interested in organizing free workshops for their students for the year 2021-2022 can apply by sending an email to makermobile@uottawa.ca. The workshops will be offered virtually until visitors can return to the schools. Registration will open in June 2021 for the workshops offered during the 2021-2022 school year.

About DPI

The Developing Professionalism in Information department of the Association of Public Sector Information Professionals, also known as DPI, is a non-profit organization based in Canada. This organization assists and facilitates the professional advancement of public sector employees in the federal government of Canada and other public sector organizations. Since 1963, DPI has been able to provide low-cost professional development thanks to the contributions of all of its volunteers.

“We provide our affiliates with exposure to a wide range of leading industry speakers and information professionals. We are continually striving to offer the best value for your training dollar by providing leading-edge reviews on topics relevant to Information Professionals.” - DPI

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