Five tips for your first time on the LRT Confederation Line

La station uOttawa vue des airs.
Time to ride: uOttawa Station and the Confederation Line open to the public on Saturday, September 14.


It’s been six years in the making, and on Saturday, September 14, Confederation Line will open to the public.

With 12.5 km of fresh rail and a fleet of new white trains, O-Train Line 1 will be another option for commuters travelling east-to-west and vice versa.

With two stations located here at uOttawa, one on the main campus and the other at Lee’s avenue, this will change the way many of us get to and around campus.

Here are tips to help you settle into your new commute.

  1. Plan your route: Use the city’s Ready for Rail travel planner. It will help you get to your destination on time, using the most efficient route possible.


  1. Learn about changes to bus routes: On October 6 there will be a significant shake-up to bus routes. Some routes will also be renamed and renumbered. Visit OC Transpo for more information.


  1. Have questions? Look for the red vests: For the first few days of operation, OC Transpo staff will be present at all Confederation Line stations and on the trains to help you find your way around the new system. Can’t find a red vest? Use the video-chat on ticket machines or the information telephones in the transit stations.


  1. Bring your bike on board: uOttawa Station connects the city’s transit system to an extensive network of bike paths, not to mention a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Rideau Canal. Bike parking is available at all stations.


  1. Get around with your U-Pass: Students will need to tap their U-Pass on the card readers upon boarding Light Rail. Recharging stations are located at University Centre (UCU) level 0, just across the Campus Store (look for the blue U-Pass wall). A recharging station will also be available at the Roger Guindon Hall (RGN) across from the library (you will receive an email if you are permitted to use this recharging station).