French research institution opens Canadian office at uOttawa

By University of Ottawa

Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, OVPRI

Research and innovation
Front face of Tabaret Hall
The University of Ottawa is proud to host the new Canadian office of France’s Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). A national-level institution in its country, the CNRS is one of the leading research establishments globally. The Canadian office adds to the nine CNRS offices around the world. It will help strengthen and add networks of scientific co-operation and innovation joining France and Canada.

“University of Ottawa researchers and their CNRS partners have heightened and diversified their collaborations over the past 10 years,” said Jacques Frémont, uOttawa president and vice-chancellor. “We’re honoured to be home to the CNRS Canadian office, which will increase and raise the profile of international research Canada wide.”

Jan Matas
Jan Matas, director of the Canadian office of France’s Centre national de la recherche scientifique

The office will be headed by Jan Matas, former director of the joint CNRS-Université de Lyon satellite office at uOttawa. It will raise the visibility of University research and innovation internationally while enabling greater access to the CNRS scientific community. As well, strengthening this special partnership will reinforce the University’s role in French Canada and the French-speaking world.

The agreement to host the CNRS office at the University of Ottawa came into effect January 1 of this year. It was formally announced by Frémont and Antoine Petit, CNRS president and CEO, at a ceremony April 21 at the French embassy.