Grant Applications under Policy 94 on the Proactive Recruitment of Women Professors

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
FoM Logo with purple background
Policy 94 is designed to help limit the effects of family responsibilities (births, care of parents, spouse, or children) on the career of women who are part of the professorial workforce, whether work interruptions have occurred or not. As in previous years, we are therefore launching a call for proposals to support women professors.

Professors are encouraged to submit their grant applications according to the following guidelines:

  • Clearly demonstrate that the project for which funding is requested will enhance career development. Professors are encouraged to evaluate their immediate needs at this point in their career path (article publication, research, teaching) and clearly identify those needs while explaining how this project is significant to their career.
  • A letter of support from the Dean must accompany the request. Professors are also encouraged to discuss their project with the chair of their department.
  • A maximum of $10,000 will be granted per project. This is the equivalent of a three-credit course load reduction.
  • The Grant Allocation Committee will favour projects which have merit, but that may not meet the requirements of other grant agencies. However, projects involving the purchase of computer equipment, books, or journals will not be eligible.
  • Requests for second-language training are not eligible for this fund. These requests must be submitted to Deans who, in turn, will ask the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs, to share 50% of the cost.
  • This year, the Grant Allocation Committee will consider requests for course load reductions for September 2022 and January 2023. If the professor is considering requesting a course load reduction, it is recommended that they discuss their plans with the Dean as soon as possible, so that he or she can take it into account when preparing workloads for the year 2022-2023.
  • Professors are also encouraged to submit their projects to other funding sources within the University such as the Research Committee of the University, the Centre for University Teaching or discretionary funds available in each faculty.

The Grant Allocation Committee invites all interested professors to submit their applications and accompanying letter of support from the Dean no later than January 31, 2022.

Please forward the following documents to

  1. your request (please complete the attached form)
  2. the Dean’s letter of support
  3. an updated, abbreviated CV
  4. your workload for the last three years.

The Committee will announce its decisions in March 2022.

Questions? Contact Mélanie Rioux at, Research Advisor at the Faculty of Medicine.