Histology Core Spotlight- Welcoming Operations Manager Priyanka Agarwal

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
Faculty of Medicine
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The Louise Pelletier Histology Core Facility is excited to welcome our new Operations Manager, Priyanka Agarwal. Priyanka joined the core on March 8th from the University of Maryland, where she supervised the operations of the Behavioral Neuroendocrinology laboratory. She brings her experience in histology, leadership, and laboratory operations in a research setting, and shares the passion for the microscopic world!

The Louise Pelletier Histology Core Facility (LPHCF) is excited to welcome our new Operations Manager, Priyanka Agarwal. She brings her experience in histology, leadership, and laboratory operations, and shares the passion for the microscopic world!

LPHCF is a full-service histology laboratory located in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the University of Ottawa (uOttawa). Since 1996, the histology core has served the University and the Ottawa Region faculty, researchers, clinicians, and students. Currently, LPHCF provides histology services to over 60 researchers from the uOttawa and its partners at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Apoptosis Group and the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. LPHCF also provides service to special projects of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, National Research Council, and Canadian Nuclear Labs, Deep River Ontario, all of which contribute to uOttawa's goal of excellence in research.

The mission of our core is to meet the expanding research needs of basic scientists and clinical researchers who require histology services. LPHCF offers standard and customized services including paraffin and frozen tissue processing, sectioning, routine, and special histological stains as well as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence staining along with digital brightfield/fluorescent slide scanning. LPHCF also offers training and self-access to two pieces of equipment - microtome and cryostat. With 10 staff, including the Core’s Chair, Dr. John Veinot, an anatomical and cardiological pathologist, this lab is a robust and vibrant team of experts of PhDs, MDs, and medical Laboratory technologists. If you are in need of advanced state-of-the-art pathology services to propel your research, you’ll want to meet with the LPHCF’s experts. Backed by the comprehensive experience of our staff, our innovative core unites several pathology components into one facility to provide exceptional service that is efficient and cost-effective.

For more information please contact pathlab@uOttawa.ca or visit our website.