International symposium on artificial intelligence and the law (in French)

Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section
Artificial Intelligence
AI brain representation
If you’re concerned about oversight of artificial intelligence (AI) and are interested in the issue of AI and the law, join us May 24 and 25 for an international symposium presented by the University Research Chair on Accountable Artificial Intelligence in a Global Context at the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, of the University of Ottawa. The event will bring together around twenty researchers in the field.

Here’s what chairholder Céline Castets-Renard had to say about the importance of the symposium, which deals with technologies that pose major social, ethical, legal and economic risks.

Question: What are the advantages of hosting this symposium and having these discussions? Where might they lead?
Céline Castets-Renard Canada is a major player in AI design, which the federal government, as well as some provinces like Ontario and Quebec, fund considerably. Hosting this conference allows us to reflect on the legal issues and regulations that we’re beginning to seek to put in place. The fact that it’s being reflected on in many countries and regions of the world not only allows us to benefit from others’ experience, but is absolutely necessary, with technologies spreading worldwide. Individuals and groups are facing the same social and ethical risks, which are increased as always in the countries of the south.

Q: Are we grasping the reality of the situation?
CCR: That’s the goal, but laws will still take time to be adopted and won’t be perfect at once and will have to evolve. But this doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be done and isn’t essential to achieve.

Q: What’s the biggest concern when it comes to AI and its integration into law today?
CCR: Many questions are social and ethical, but among the most likely and immediate, there’s worry about job losses, disinformation and manipulation of opinion, as well as discrimination, exclusion and social injustice.

See the full schedule and register.

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