J.P. Bickell Foundation Medical Research Grant

Faculty of Medicine
Research and Innovation
FoM Logo with purple background
Field: Medicine and Health Sciences
Value: $25,000 to $80,000
Internal application deadline: March 21, 2022

The J.P. Bickell Foundation Medical Research Grants are made to assist biomedical scientists of various departments and faculties in Ontario universities, hospitals and scientific institutions concerned with medical research. Priority is given to new researchers seeking start up grants.

As only one application may be submitted by a qualified institution, an internal competition must take place. As in previous years, RMS will coordinate the University’s internal selection process.
Researchers interested in applying to the Bickell Foundation, must submit a 2-page Outline of their Proposed Research Project + CV for internal selection by March 21 to RMS at info-sgr-rms@uOttawa.ca.  The chosen candidate will be informed by April 8 and the final application will have to be submitted to the Foundation by Research Management Services by April 30th.

OHRI, Heart Institute, CHEO, and BRI

Researchers and hospital clinicians whose employer and primary appointment is at a hospital-based research institute will submit their applications through their institute. Please contact your respective research office for further information.

Contact Mélanie Rioux at mriou3@uOttawa.ca from the Faculty of Medicine Research Office should you have any questions.