March 24, 2022 ― International Learner Community Workshop

Faculty of Medicine
International and Global Health Office
Workshops and tutorials
International Learner Community Workshop Poster
Join us on Thursday, March 24th at noon for our FREE live workshop hosted by the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine International Learner Community (ILC) Learning Network!

Workshop: Know Your Rights! Questions and challenges faced by international learners in medical practice or research
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2022 
Time: 12-1pm Eastern Daylight Time 


  • Dr. Ewurabena Simpson, Assistant Dean, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 
  • Dr. Anna Byszewski, Director, Office of Professionalism

Learning Objectives: 

  • Identify workplace rights and work regulations on- and off- campus as they relate to discrimination and harassment
  • Give examples of ways to deal with discrimination, harassment, implicit bias, and microaggressions in our work and study space
  • List steps to follow in the process for breach of professionalism incident reporting

Want to stay connected? Follow us on TwitterInstagramLinkedInFacebook or visit the Faculty of Medicine's International Learner Community resource page for the latest to come!

For all questions regarding this workshop, please write to: .