Need an Expert? Federal Public Servants Strike

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Members of the media may directly contact the following experts:

Mario Seccareccia (English and French)

Full Professor, Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Seccareccia can discuss the strike based on his expertise in labour economics, and Canadian economic history.  

Michael Wernick (English and French)

Jarislowsky Chair in Public Management and Part-time professor, Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Wernick is an expert in public sector management, governance and political decision making in Canada.

"What does a picket line mean in 2023? The union is striking in part for the right to work from home but is insisting that workers show up physically at the picket line if they want to get strike pay."

David Gray (English and French)

Associate professor, Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

With his expertise, Professor Gray can comment on the strike from a labor market policy perspective.

Gilles Levasseur (English and French)

Part-time Professor, Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section; Telfer School of Management

Professor Levasseur can speak about labour law and human resources management.