The OVPIF mobilized to place La Francophonie in the realm of scientific and cultural diplomacy

By Sanni Yaya

Vice-President, International and Francophonie, uOttawa

Sanni Yaya
International and Francophonie
Mois de la Francophonie
Sanni Yaya
The University of Ottawa is a key player in the field of higher education and research in French, both in Canada and internationally.

Last November, the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, inaugurated the Observatoire pluridisciplinaire sur le devenir du droit privé, which allows for innovation in the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in French, while promoting learning in a multidisciplinary environment open to the world. In fact, the Francophonie is a unique model of collaboration and an important level for change in this ever-changing world. The pandemic made us realize the importance of collaboration; it is essential to building strong communities and helps renew the world by opening it to new possibilities. This was recognized by participants at the annual meeting of the Réseau International des Chaires Senghor de la Francophonie, which last October, exceptionally, was held on both sides of the Outaouais. This community brings together scientists from all walks of life who share a common interest in the French language and the study of Francophonie. They collaborate, cooperate and work together to promote teaching and research in French in their respective fields. 

As the second-largest institution of higher learning outside Quebec offering education in French, it is essential that the University of Ottawa remain a place to live, learn, exchange, and reflect for the development of French as a language of education, identity, culture and communication. Thanks to the recent investment of $34.7 million by the federal and Ontario governments, we can look to the future with confidence and provide a sustainable response to the needs of Francophone minority communities. Last December, the University laid another cornerstone in the realization of its mission for French language and culture by expanding and modernizing its Windsor campus, which, thanks to its innovative education in French-language, will eventually enable Ontario's Francophone communities to play an active role in shaping the future of Canada and the world. 

Proudly francophone, the University of Ottawa is also open to the world’s languages and cultures. Today, education must take into account the diverse and complementary cultural knowledge that languages bring to the acquisition of the skills needed to develop the creativity and innovation that will positively influence the building of the future. It is with this approach that the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, thanks to the generous contribution of the Molson Foundation, will enable more people to learn French and become part of the globalization process to promote the exchange of ideas and collaboration. 

During this Month of La Francophonie, we would like to remind you that the University of Ottawa, and more specifically the Vice-President, International and Francophonie, are resolutely mobilized to place La Francophonie in the realm of scientific and cultural diplomacy in order to achieve our ambitions.  

Happy Francophonie Month!