Prof. Chandler Earns Funding as Key Member of Federal Transplant Research Program

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Technology Law, Ethics and Policy
tabaret building
Professor Jennifer Chandler has received $155,000 in funding as a co-leader of the Law and Ethics Group within the Canadian National Transplant Research Program (CNTRP). The funding will allow her to conduct ethical and legal research related to organ and tissue donation and transplantation over the next five years. She will be able to support graduate and JD students interested in working with her in this area.
Professor Chandler

Announced by the Federal Government on April 22, 2013, the CNTRP is a major new initiative funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and its partners, bringing together over 100 researchers in 9 provinces. The Ministry of Health announced that the program will “transform the field of transplantation by addressing the barriers to donation therefore increasing the number of available organs, improving the quality and viability of donated organs and grafts, and enhancing long-term survival and quality of life of transplant patients.”

Prof. Chandler will be conducting research into several ethical and legal questions surrounding organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Along with her students, she will be looking at donation incentives, family decision-making about organ and tissue donation, and the effect of public understanding of brain death on the willingness to donate organs.

The CNTRP is the first program in the world to unite and integrate the solid organ transplant, the bone marrow transplant and the donation and critical care research communities together in a ground-breaking national research endeavour.

Congratulations Professor Chandler!