Release of results of the Government of Ontario’s Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey

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The University of Ottawa is committed to preventing sexual violence and ensuring survivors get the support they need. We continue to work to establish a safe and respectful environment free of sexualized violence, while raising awareness among students, faculty and staff about available services and support.

Today the Ontario government released the results of the province-wide Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey. The results are concerning and clearly demonstrate that more needs to be done to address the challenge of sexual violence on our campuses and in our communities.

The University of Ottawa is committed to preventing sexual violence and ensuring survivors get the support they need. We continue to work to establish a safe and respectful environment free of sexualized violence, while raising awareness among students, faculty and staff about available services and support.

Over the past years, our University has taken several steps to prevent sexual violence on our campus. For example, a renewed policy on the prevention of sexual violence was adopted in 2016. As well, the Office of Human Rights offers activities and training on the prevention of sexual violence throughout the year.

A Standing Committee on the Prevention of Sexual Violence works with the University community to promote a safe learning and working environment and to develop strategies and introduce initiatives to end sexual violence on campus. It will issue recommendations for the continued improvement of services, policies, processes and other initiatives regarding sexual violence prevention.

Sexual violence is a societal problem and universities are doing their part to address this important issue on our campuses. The University of Ottawa thanks all of our students who participated in the survey.

The survey results will help us to continue our work against sexual violence. The University will review the actions the provincial government has called for and will share additional data should it be made available by the government.

For additional information, please visit our sexual violence: support and prevention website.