Sasha Ramnarine JD’13, awarded Business in Vancouver (BIV) Forty under 40 for 2023

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Common Law Section
Awards and recognition
A man in a suit and tie
From the age of 9 years old, Sasha Ramnarine JD’13, knew he wanted to be a lawyer.

While working at his father’s Trinidadian restaurant in Vancouver, Roti Bistro, he was inspired by frequent conversations about the law with Justice Selwyn Romilly, B.C.'s first Black judge, who shared Sasha’s family’s Trinidadian and Tobagonian roots.  

Asked why he chose uOttawa Common Law, Sasha responded:  

“At the time, I felt uOttawa was the most diverse school in terms of the student body, and being in Ottawa was something that I was very interested in because of politics, the Supreme Court, Parliament Hill, the capital.” 

Sasha still has positive memories of the diversity he encountered. “It was very evident at first year orientation that uOttawa was visually a very diverse law school with people from various cultural backgrounds, religious backgrounds, personal experiences, and range of ages” 

His fond memories of law school include his 2L January semester at the University of West Indies in Barbados (despite a life-threatening animal flower cave wave experience!), being a 3L peer mentor to 1L students, and the close friendships he developed. 

Sasha is Associate Counsel at Remedios & Company. Returning to his undergraduate alma mater in 2017, Sasha continues to teach business, employment, and commercial law, and ethics at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University and the Melville School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Sasha teaches and practices law because it fulfills him while helping people. He is dedicated to mentoring the legal and business leaders of tomorrow. 

Since 2015, Sasha has been a member of many boards, including the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia, one of the leading organizations in 2015 and 2016 welcoming Syrian refugees. He was appointed by the provincial government to the New Westminster Police Department board and m recently, he serves on the Surrey Board of Trade and the BC India Business Network. He is also a member of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association.   

Sasha learned the importance of giving back to his community from Justice Romilly and his parents.  

“I like serving on these boards. I love giving back to the community by contributing my legal, personal, and business experiences. I give back because I feel like for me growing up there were a lot of people who helped me along the way, with a little bit of advice here and there. So, I've learned a lot and I want to share that.”  

Outside of his practice and university teaching, Sasha enjoys travelling with his spouse, hiking, visiting museums, and being a cricket spectator.  

On being awarded BIV’s 2023 Forty under 40, “I was a little bit overwhelmed when I first got the notification.  It's humbling, right? For me personally, I think it gives me a sense of recognition for the path that I've come from and throughout my life. Recognition for my contributions to the local business community through teaching, board work, as well as my legal practice working with startups, small businesses and even larger business corporations.”