Summer Internship Opportunities

Centre for Law, Technology and Society
Technology Law, Ethics and Policy
Tabaret Hall
The Centre for Law, Technology and Society and the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) are jointly hiring summer interns for a project focusing on public outreach and public education.

The internship is open to graduate and undergraduate law students who have completed at least one year of law school. It runs for twelve weeks (dates slightly flexible, but approximately May 10th 2010 – July 30th 2010), and includes a stipend of $6000.

Students will research cutting-edge matters relating to the intersection of law and technology, create educational materials (written and audio-visual) regarding same, assist in the creation of a “Mini Law School” series of lectures about law and technology that is intended for the public.

We seek candidates with strong research, writing and communication skills, who are self-motivated and creative. Experience with video recording and editing, and website design are assets, but not required.

Applicants must email a cover letter and curriculum vitae to by Monday, May 3rd at 5pm.

For questions, please contact Madelaine Saginur or David Fewer.