Travelling does broaden the mind

Small metal model airplane flying over a flat world map.
Introducing new international mobility opportunities for motivated administrative staff members uOttawa.
By Laura Darche

The Employee Giving program starts today, with several new funds that allow you to contribute to causes that matter to you. One fund, the International Office Fund for the Internationalization of University of Ottawa Administrative Staff Members, is unique in that it is aimed at administrative support staff.

International mobility has long been available to students and professors, who enjoy many resources to help them both go abroad and come here. But internationalization of the university has to do with more than just professors and students. Administrative staff, who deal every day with international students or students preparing for a stay in a foreign country, also benefit from international mobility experiences.

Open to the world

Better understanding what international students experience on campus, knowing what procedures our students must go through in a certain country, learning more about innovative methods our international partners are using, expanding one’s professional network … there’s no lack of potential benefits for staff. However, until now, the only way for the latter to have an international experience has been through Erasmus+, a limited program focused on European universities. That’s why the International Office has created this new international gateway.

“This experience and this level of networking provided me with the kind of professional development I could never have obtained otherwise. I returned with renewed enthusiasm for my current position.”

- Emilie Gruszecki, academic development student retention specialist in the Faculty of Arts
  Group training on internationalization and German educational system, University of Stuttgart, Germany

An unequalled professional experience

These structured professional development stays of one or two weeks offer participants a unique experience.  What’s more, they benefit not only staff members but their departments, students and the University as a whole. They also contribute to internationalization throughout the campus, bringing new possibilities for the entire University community.

“Going to Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France was such a great experience. It gave me the opportunity to better understand the French education system and appreciate the differences between our administrative practices, enabling me to be better equipped to advise and prepare our students for their international experience.” 

- Mélanie Langevin, academic adviser, Faculty of Science, Undergraduate Studies Office

Help us offer committed administrative staff an opportunity to complete a rewarding international exchange through staff mobility by donating to the International Office Fund for the Internationalization of University of Ottawa Administrative Staff Members on VirtuO.

Like to stay up-to-date about international mobility opportunities? Complete the Staff Mobility Interest Form and visit our International staff mobility page. If you have any questions about the fund, email the International Office at