uOttawa part of university alliance advising G7 leaders

A row of international flags
The University of Ottawa will be among the founding universities in a new alliance that will make recommendations to the G7 leaders. 

Each year, the leaders of the G7, the seven largest industrialized countries in the world, meet to discuss global issues. The next meeting of the G7 will take place in Biarritz, France, and the University of Ottawa will have the chance to play a special role when the Trumps, Trudeaus and Macrons of the world gather .

In fact, the University of Ottawa will be among the founding universities in a new alliance that will make recommendations to the G7 leaders. The U7 Alliance will bring together leaders of the world's largest universities in the world. "It's a unique opportunity to show that universities can play a leading role in high-level discussions such as those of the G7. "I'm convinced that, together, they can achieve real success and contribute to solving the problems that affect our societies and our planet," said Jacques Frémont , president and vice-chancellor. 

The University of Ottawa will be part of the U7 summit, along with the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, McGill University and the University of Montreal .  The summit will take place July 9 and 10, before the official G7 meeting.  It will also include representatives from universities in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Japan. 

Project organizers have also been invited to participate in the discussions. For this inaugural meeting in France, University representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America will be present.

Topics covered will include the role of universities in a globalized environment, climate and the energy-related transition, social inequality and polarization.

The summit will conclude with a series of concrete commitments, as discussed during the summit and voted by the university presidents, that will be presented to President Macron, in view of the broader G7 discussions to be undertaken in Biarritz.