The uOttaWOW experience is not just for students!

Une quinzaine de personnes, hommes et femmes, en tenue d'exercice, posent pour la caméra sur les marches de l'immeuble Tabaret.
The Steps Challenge, yoga, zumba, ultimate frisbee, running... Have you noticed how much movement there is on campus? A Healthy and Active Campus is celebrating its nine-year anniversary with support from its roughly 75 ambassadors, all of whom are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles.
La mascotte des Geegees pose en compagnie de trois femmes à l'extérieur, sur le campus de l'Université d'Ottawa.
Trois patineurs assis sur un banc, attachent leurs patins.
Une douzaine de personnes, hommes et femmes, installés sur des vélos stationnaires sur la Place de l'Université.
Un homme vu de dos, portant un sac à dos et des bâtons de marche, en randonnée sur un sentier.

The Steps Challenge, yoga, zumba, ultimate frisbee, running... Have you noticed how much movement there is on campus? Most of these activities are free and made possible thanks to proud employee representatives from A Healthy and Active Campus, whose main motivation is to share their passion for healthy living with the uOttawa community.


A Healthy and Active Campus is celebrating its nine-year anniversary with support from its roughly 75 ambassadors, all of whom are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles.

Gaby St-Pierre, Director of CO-OP and Careers and one of the founding members of the initiative, points out that "if A Healthy and Active Campus has grown so much over the years, it is because we have developed of a culture of wellness on campus."


Wellness and Return to Work Advisor Benoit Lefebvre is delighted to see that A Healthy and Active Campus supports Human Resources' objectives in this regard.

"Wellness is everyone's business and a caring community starts with everyone taking responsibility for their own health," he says.


Mr. Lefebvre says that since taking office in 2015, awareness of mental health issues has increased on campus. A particular focus has been put on social health with activities such as the Pedometer Challenge, Wellness Week, Campus Walk, and more recently, the employee meet-and-greets and the “Jaser pour jaser” initiative within the Student life team.


Need some inspiration to get active? The next Lunch and Learn will take you to the El Camino Trail with our colleague Nathalie Blanchard, who has just returned from it. Don’t miss out!