A video message to students from Jacques Frémont

Tabaret hall with university crest on plinth and corinthian columns
uOttawa's President and Vice-Chancellor addresses the student community after an unprecedented few weeks at the University – and around the world. 

uOttawa's President and Vice-Chancellor Jacques Frémont addresses the student community after an unprecedented few weeks at the University – and around the world. "You have responded with grace under pressure, and every day through your courage and your hard work you continue to make uOttawa proud. I wish each of you the best and I truly look forward to seeing each of you back on campus."

Video transcript:


I’d like to take a moment to speak directly to our 40,000 uOttawa students.

I want you to know that our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has always had two goals:

First to do everything possible to protect your health and safety and that of your community. And second to ensure that you can successfully complete the academic semester.

I know you have questions. About exams, about summer courses, and about upcoming terms.

I assure you that we are working on all of these questions. Answers are coming and will be shared with you shortly.

I hope you understand that it has been essential for us to take the time to get those answers right.

Today I went for a walk around campus which certainly feels lonely at present.

To be honest, it’s quite dull without all of you here.

I can’t wait to see all of you talented and positive young people back here where you belong. I know this is a difficult time for all of you who remain, but I urge you to stay strong.

For all international students still on campus: make sure you visit the online international student hub, it has been set up to respond to your needs and questions.

Remember too that physical distancing should not mean emotional or social isolation. Stay in touch with family and friends. Please.

And of course, this applies to each and every student.

Take care of your emotional wellbeing. You matter.

I ask all students to continue making the best of this unusual and difficult situation. I hope each of you will give yourself the very best opportunity to grow and to learn in these next few months so that when at last we emerge from this period of disruption, you will recall with pride how you developed new skills, overcame obstacles and fulfilled your potential.

I have the utmost faith in your resilience, your capacity and your goodwill.

You have responded with grace under pressure, and every day through your courage and your hard work you continue to make uOttawa proud.

I wish each of you the best and I truly look forward to seeing each of you back on campus.

Remember we can and will get through this together.

Thank you.