10 uOttawa students share their goals for 2020

Student life
Un individu portant un manteau avec le logo de l'Université d'Ottawa jette de la neige en l'air, celui-ci a été photographié par derrière.
Find out how uOttawa can help you achieve success this year. 
Chùk Odennigbo

1. "Organizing a nature getaway for mental health, receiving a scholarship, and learning Danish."
Chùk Odennigbo, PhD candidate in medical geography

The University of Ottawa Health Promotion team is recruiting Peer Wellness Educator volunteers. Apply by February 29, 2020 to educate students on how to stay healthy on campus. They host free weekly programming in yoga, pet therapy, cooking demos, coaching and more.

uOttawa has one of the most generous scholarship and bursary offerings in the country. To search for scholarships and bursaries, view application criteria and apply, use the Online Scholarships and Bursaries tool.

Xavia McMillan

2. "I start in January! My resolution is to keep up with readings and hold myself accountable."
Xavia McMillan, second-year psychology student

Study groups can help you stay on track, collaborate, and further understand material. To find out if a group already exists for your course, visit the study groups registration page. If your course isn’t listed, email asupp@uOttawa.ca to start a group for your class.

Nehal Aggarwal

3. "Learning two new languages: French and Japanese."
Nehal Aggarwal, first-year master's student in computer science

You can earn credits while improving your language skills. The Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute offers both English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FLS, Français langue seconde) courses from beginner to advanced levels.

Modern language courses (Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, or Russian) are included in the list of electives without prerequisites offered by the Faculty of Arts. If you have no prior knowledge of the language you would like to study, just enrol in the Elementary I level course.

If you’re considering uOttawa’s exchange program for your travels, attend an information session in January, February or March to learn about language requirements and begin your journey.

Rebecca Therrien
Annie Lui
Abbey Dikaitis
Mehraban Badiei
Aberdaa Abderrahmane
Emma Armstrong

Need a little goal-setting inspiration for the coming year? We asked students to share what they hope to accomplish in 2020. Keep scrolling to read their answers and find out how uOttawa can help you achieve success.

4. "Taking care of my mind, body and spirit."
Rebecca Therrien, first-year criminology student

Wellness Week is the perfect opportunity to focus on your health and mind. From January 20 to 24, 2020, join us for free talks, pet therapy, yoga, fitness activities, mental health events, meditation, reiki, meals and more.

Counselling Services offers a range of accessible resources and services based on the Stepped Care Model, which empowers you to select the type of mental health support that will help you thrive.

5. "Volunteering, being open to change and always having gratitude."
Annie Lui, third-year computer engineering student

You can gain experience and feel great by helping others. The Michaëlle Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement can connect you with meaningful volunteer opportunities locally and globally.

6. "To get better grades. First year was rough."
Abbey Dikaitis, first-year biomedical science student

Student mentors understand the challenges of university life and are always available to help you navigate tough course material, enhance your motivation, and develop effective learning strategies. Mentors offer one-on-one meetings, study groups, and workshops. Learn how to connect with a mentor.

If you want to develop your writing skills and improve your papers,book an appointment with a writing advisor and learn how to identify and correct your mistakes.

7. "To stop putting things off until tomorrow."
Alexandre Imbert, second-year physics student

Read these 10 tricks to stay motivated and overcome procrastination.

8. "Meeting new people and making new friends."
​​​​​Mehraban Badiei, first-year health sciences student

Discover a new passion and meet students by joining one of more than 300 clubs registered with Campus Vibez uOttawa, the official University of Ottawa Students’ Union (UOSU) service in charge of managing student clubs.

9. "Putting more effort into achieving my goal: getting into medical school"
Aberdaa Abderrahmane, first-year psychology student

Considering medical school, teaching, law school or graduate studies? Knowing eligibility criteria in advance can help ensure you’re taking the right prerequisite courses, meeting requirements and never missing a deadline.

Discover uOttawa’s graduate programs, view information about admissions at the Faculty of Medicine, learn more about Teacher Education or consider studying law at the Faculty of Law’s Common Law or Civil Law sections.

10. "Graduate! And then go to teacher’s college."
Emma Armstrong, fourth-year history student

You’re almost there! In only a few months, it will be your turn to walk across the stage at convocation. All graduating students must register to receive their degree (even if you don’t attend your ceremony). Online registration is open from mid-February to March 31.