6 articles to help you make your well-being a priority

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This collection of articles on well-being should help you start off the year on the right foot. 

After the year we’ve been through, it goes without saying that taking care of yourself is more important than ever. Here are six articles that we hope might inspire you to make your well-being a priority.  

Counselling services are available if you need them

As a member of the uOttawa community, you have access to a range of wellness and mental health resources. Whether you’d like to get support from specialists, explore self-help techniques or take part in activities focused on finding a healthy balance, this article will help you find answers. 

Why self-care is anything but selfish

Unfortunately, too often, taking time for ourselves ends up at the bottom of our list of priorities. We spoke to a University of Ottawa mental health and wellness counsellor to get some tips and tricks. This article provides techniques on how to develop a caring relationship with yourself and how to give yourself space to breathe, guilt free.  

Work-life balance: What does it mean and how do we achieve it?

Saying that our work-life balance has been upset over the past year would be an understatement.  Is it unrealistic to think that we can find balance? Two experts from the Telfer School of Management address this question and offer some tools for managers to promote well-being within their teams.  

Q&A with Dr. Kathleen Pajer: Working on the mental health frontlines during a pandemic

The pandemic and the challenges that come with it have coloured the lives of many. Dr. Kathleen Pajer, chair of the Department of Psychiatry at uOttawa, offers her advice on facing uncertainty and making it through this ordeal.  Take a few minutes to read this article and get an idea of your state of mind.  

Adjusting to life as a stay-at-home working parent

Many parents are still trying to adjust to the new reality of working from home, while dealing with some of the lockdown’s many surprises: remote learning, a kid home from daycare with a runny nose, sports activities cancelled – and the list goes on. Some of our experts address this new reality for parents with some ideas on how to cope.

Feeling a little peckish? Our dietitian has a few tips on eating well

Eating plays a crucial role in physical health ... and mental health too! For Maryann Moffit, dietitian and liaison officer at uOttawa, food is much more than just a simple source of nutrients — it’s a true pleasure for the senses.  Read through to the end for some healthy, tasty and easy recipe ideas to load up on energy and taste all day.