The carbon tax

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The carbon tax

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Leslie Shiell (English only)

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Shiell specializes in environmental economics, with a particular focus on climate change, climate change policy.

“Here is the question: If only the richest 20 percent are exposed to the carbon tax on a net basis, after accounting for the rebate, then why does the government even bother taxing most of us – the other 80 percent – only to just give the money back to us? Why not just focus on the richest 20 percent?”

Jean-Thomas Bernard (English and French)

Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences. Faculty affiliate, Institute of the Environment.

Professor Bernard's recent research focuses on topics related to energy economics.

"The goal is to reduce greenhouse gases and the carbon tax attacks GHG emissions directly, whereas other measures do so indirectly and are more costly. Many studies have been carried out on this subject and show it has caused a drop in emissions without reducing the growth of the economy. British Columbia has been applying a carbon tax since 2008."


Stewart Elgie (English only)

Director, Institute of Environment, and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law - Common Law.

Professor Elgie's expertise touches on environmental and natural resources law and policy; climate change and global warming; environmental economics and protections policies; the Constitution and the environment. 


Nicholas Rivers (English only)

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Faculty of Social Sciences, and member of the Institute of the Environment.

Professor Rivers’ research interests focus on the economic evaluation of environmental policies, using econometric and computational methods. He was Canada Research Chair in Climate and Energy Policy from 2011-2021.