Intramurals are back again!

Student life
flag football player
A guide for "need-to-knows"
  1. Know when the registration period begins

Registration for each sport opens at a different time on August 21 and will run until September 12. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and fills up quickly (some team leagues sell out in minutes!), so make sure you register your team or as an individual as soon as possible!

  1. Learn how to register

First time registering? We have worked hard to create a full tutorial, including a video, that will help you register your team or as an individual. You can find the complete guide on our website: Register to intramurals | University of Ottawa (

In addition to this, we are happy to welcome back alumni, staff, and community members who, upon purchasing a Sports Services Membership, can be eligible to register for an intramurals league.

  1. Find a sport and league to play in

We offer a wide range of sports during the fall and winter semesters, including basketball, dodgeball, ice hockey, soccer, ultimate frisbee, and volleyball. Our leagues are broken down based on three components:

Skill Level

  • Competitive: participants are highly skilled at the sport (often with several years of playing experience)
  • Recreational: participants are novices at the sport (often with little or no play experience)

Type of Registration

  • Individual: You sign up as an individual and are placed on a team with other individuals. In these leagues, you can also request to play with friends if they register for the same league.
  • Team: You register a team of players and compete against other teams

Gender Restrictions

  • Open: no gender requirements (predominantly male)
  • Mixed: gender restrictions in place for both males and females
  • WTNB: for participants that identify as women, transgender, or non-binary.

There are a wide variety of sports to register for. To learn more about all our leagues being offered, including a description, rules, and times offered, visit the sport-specific page on our website.

  1. Attend captains’ meeting on September 18th

If you are a team captain, stay tuned for details about your league and the mandatory captains’ meeting on September 18th. For individual leagues, captains will be chosen based on who volunteered to be a captain or at random to represent their team. Before the captains’ meeting, team captains have until September 14th to make any roster modifications, which can be done online through their Gee-Gee Reg team account. At 4:00 pm on September 14th, rosters will be locked. Changes can then only be made on captains’ meeting day for $20 (unlimited number of changes). The timing for captains’ meetings will vary depending on your sport. You or a teammate must attend this meeting to learn about new league procedures/policies and receive your team's t-shirts. Those who do not attend may risk being expelled from the league or incur a fine.

  1. Have fun!

Regardless of the league you play in, the goal is always to have lots of fun! We kick off our leagues right after captains’ meetings on September 17th. Our intramurals team will ensure you are provided with a welcoming and safe environment to play organized sports. They will handle the management of the league; all you and your team must focus on is having an awesome time while playing sports!

If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to talk to your league supervisor or an intramurals coordinator. Our email is always open at, and you can find a complete list of contacts for league supervisors and program coordinators on our website. Our office can be found at MNT 102, and you can check our office hours here.