Legacy of Hope Foundation Exhibit - A National Crime: The Residential School System in Canada

Legacy of hope exhibit
From now until the end of January 2024, the University of Ottawa Library is hosting a bilingual exhibit on the residential school system in Canada.

This travelling exhibit, on loan from the Legacy of Hope Foundation, is called A National Crime: The Residential School System in Canada. It consists of 5 double-sided pull-up banners, explores the creation of the Residential School System, the experiences of the students, its impacts and traumas, and Indigenous-led political action, healing, and efforts toward Reconciliation.  

The Legacy of Hope Foundation is a national Indigenous charitable organization with the mandate to educate and create awareness and understanding about the Residential School System, including the intergenerational impacts such as the removal of generations of Indigenous children from their families, including the Sixties Scoop, the post-traumatic stress disorders that many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis continue to experience, all while trying to address racism, foster empathy and understanding and inspire action to improve the situation of Indigenous Peoples today. The LHF supports the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors, and their families and seeks their input on projects that honour them. 

Visit the exhibit on the first floor of the Morisset Library in room 141 (the lounge). We also have a small display of books available to borrow beside the exhibit on topics of residential schools, Truth and Reconciliation, as well as stories and experiences of Indigenous peoples. For additional resources, see our 2023 reading list for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  

This exhibit contains subject matter that may be disturbing to some visitors and may be triggering. Please call 1-866-925-4419 or your local crisis line for counselling and support.