In Photos: A uOttawa move-in week like no other

two students in housing services t-shirts wearing face masks and giving thumbs up
In a normal year at uOttawa, 3,800 students move into 11 residence buildings over a span of five days. This year, things were significantly different. Only 1,000 students will be living in residence this fall, and the majority of those students moved in over a nine-day period, from August 29 to September 6.
President Fremont greets a parent by touching elbows
student lifts box on cart while mother helps him
New student resident takes keys from a tray for his room
Resident advisor Tij hand delivers welcome kit to new student.
two student walking on campus wearing face masks and socially distant

Move-in 2020 can only be described as a meticulous and calculated process. All precautions were taken to keep students and their families, as well as all members of the uOttawa community, safe from the risks of COVID-19. A team of University staff members volunteered their time to help make the move-in as smooth as possible. The University of Ottawa warmly welcomes all our new residents!

President Frémont was on hand (or elbow) to greet parents and students as they arrived at 90U on Sept 1, 2020

One family made the epic road trip from British Columbia to move their new GeeGee into residence. 

Housing Services used trays to bring sanitized keys to new residents to avoid any physical contact.

Community Advisor Ahmad (Tij) welcomes student Talia with a new resident kit, which contains valuable information along with safety items, such as branded Gee-Gees masks and sanitizer.

The new normal: campus is just as beautiful, even while practicing safe distancing and wearing a face mask.