What’s next? Learning never stops for our grads

Amanda My Linh Quan
In this increasingly competitive world, many uOttawa graduates remain focused on broadening their knowledge.
Marieliv Flores Villalobos
Jérémie Gagnon-Bischoff
Marie-Eve Skelling Desmeules
Brittany Pegg

Some graduates just can’t seem to quench their thirst for knowledge. Their answer to what’s next after graduation is more education. And in this increasingly competitive world, setting yourself apart by continuously learning new things and digging deeper to expand on your research is a pretty wise decision.

Further education in global health

“I’m graduating from biomedical science with a minor in economics in French immersion. Being a science student has taught me that I can never stop learning. I do plan to pursue further education in epidemiology and global health. I’m currently working at uOttawa’s School of Epidemiology and Public Health with Dr. Alice Zwerling, specifically looking at the impact and cost effectiveness of implementing HIV self-testing in Canada. I have enjoyed my time at uOttawa. It’s been four years of hard work, personal growth and fun. One highlight was being co-president of the University of Ottawa Healthcare Symposium from 2016 to 2018. It gave me a platform to help educate undergraduate students about health care careers besides the traditional roles of physicians or nurses. I hope to pursue a career in global health and programme evaluation.”

– Amanda My Linh Quan, BSc. amandalinhh

Peruvian student pursues women’s studies in her home country

“I’m in Peru to conduct interviews for my master’s thesis, which focuses on the forced sterilization of 300,000 women and men in Peru between 1996 and 2000. The administration of former president Alberto Fujimori placed national economic development above the human rights of women, with its national program for reproductive health and family planning. My research is focused on women who underwent sterilizations, taking into consideration their marginalized conditions, culture, traditions and the connections between women’s bodies and economic development from the government’s perspective. At uOttawa, I learned that obtaining more knowledge isn’t just good for our academic or professional lives — it’s also a way we can question ourselves to become a better person.”

– Marieliv Flores Villalobos, Master’s in Women’s Studies, Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies. @marielivf

More math: From quantum optics to neutron stars

“My undergrad degree in physics-mathematics at uOttawa has been truly enriching. Thanks to the Faculty of Science’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship program, I got to work in both Robert W. Boyd’s quantum photonics group and Ebrahim Karimi's structured quantum optics group. It’s been amazing. I’ve learned so much about classical and quantum optics, and I’ve been co-author of several studies published in scientific journals. Additionally, I spent a summer at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, where I studied the theory of tides of slowly rotating neutron stars. I’ve now decided to undertake a master’s degree in mathematics here at the University of Ottawa, with a plan to pursue a PhD in either math or theoretical physics afterwards.”

– Jérémie Gagnon-Bischoff, BSc

Postdoctoral studies in the circus arts

“I’m now a postdoctoral fellow at Concordia University, studying circus training experiences in different professional circus schools. I have also been a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa since 2011 and a high school drama teacher. I first completed professional actor training at the École supérieure de théâtre (Université du Québec à Montréal) before continuing my studies in education at University of Ottawa, where I received the University Gold Medal at the end of my undergraduate studies and the Governor General’s Gold Medal for my PhD thesis. My doctoral research allows for a better understanding of corporeal work in different voice, acting and movement classes. My postdoctoral research project examines circus training experiences from the viewpoint of students and teachers. I just completed a two-month residency at the National Circus Arts Centre (France) and I will hold another research residency at the National Circus School of Canada, two of the most prestigious professional circus schools in the world. These research projects have allowed me to explore what has fascinated me since my childhood: artistic education!”

– Marie-Eve Skelling Desmeules, PhD in Education

Switcheroo! From biomedical sciences to geology

“Although I’m happy and proud to have finished my degree in biomedical science, I’ve known for a while that it wasn’t the right degree for me. Well, uOttawa, looks like you haven’t gotten rid of me yet! I’m very excited to continue my education in September, when I will pursue another undergraduate degree, this time in geology! Who’d have thought that my love and fascination for Earth sciences as a child would have stuck with me all these years? 

– Brittany Pegg, Honours BSc in Biomedical Science. @brittpegg