There is one competition per year for the RTC:
RMS must receive your application by 4 pm on the deadline date. If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, RMS will extend the deadline to 4 pm on the next working day.
You must be submitted your application electronically (in a single PDF file) to:
RTC – Research Team Creation
Research Management Services
IMPORTANT NOTE: The applicant’s faculty must review and approve the application. Applicants must submit an RE form with the appropriate signatures. RMS will not accept application past the deadlines nor without the faculty approval. RMS will reject incomplete applications.
Application Requirements, 15 pages
A summary of the proposed research project, including:
- The scope and scale of the project
- The impact of the research
- The linkages to one of the uOttawa Strategic Areas of Development of Research
- The funding organization that will be targeted for future funding, including the type, funding opportunity and date of the targeted competition
The expertise required for the project including:
- A budget and budget justification for the activities
- Research expertise required to complete the project
- Common CV or equivalent of the principal investigator (PI)
- A short bio for each potential team members (co-researchers), describing how their expertise could contribute to the project
- The strategy to recruit team members
The letter of recommendation from the Dean, Vice-Dean or Associate Dean, Research of the Faculty must confirm the faculties’:
- support in an amount at least equal to the amount being requested of the stream 1
- support the researcher in creating the team and the development of a large-scale project
- RE Form
IMPORTANT NOTE: A multi-disciplinary Selection Committee will review the applications. Therefore, the proposal should be written for non-experts. Any additional pages will be automatically removed.
Budget justification, eligible and non-eligible expenses
The maximum award for the RTC funding is $10,000.00 ($5,000.00 RTC & $5,000.00 from the faculty) over one year. The budget section should describe the entire budget, including the RTC and the Faculty contributions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicants must submit two RE forms:
- In the first RE form, the “Amount Requested” field should define the amount that is being requested from the RTC only.
- In the second RE form, the “Amount Requested” field should define the amount that is being requested from the faculty only.
Budget Justification must:
- Explain how the costs were established for each item in the budget
- Describe and justify how the funds will be used to recruit the members of the interdisciplinary team
- Contribute to the direct costs to recruit members for the interdisciplinary team and to develop research project
- Show economical use of the funds
Examples of Eligible Expenses: | Examples of Non-eligible Expenses: |
- Travel/Teleconferencing fees;
- Expenses related to meetings/workshops;
- Other direct recruitment costs.
| - Professional fees to the grantee;
- Administrative fees/standard monthly connection or rental costs of telephones/connection or installation of lines (telephone or other links), voice mail;
- Passport and/or immigration fees;
- Education costs: thesis preparation, tuition and courses fees, thesis examination/defense fees;
- Cell phones, Blackberry devices, and/or personal digital assistant devices;
- Library acquisition, computer and other services already provided by the University;
- Cost of alcohol, entertainment, or gifts.